If taken in large quantities, it can lead to vomiting and difficulty in swallowing. The spider plant, which is known scientifically as Chlorophytum comosum, is a well-loved houseplant and a fixture in hanging baskets. I let her hang out with my plants for a while; after all, it kept her busy. It’s best to keep your spider plant away from your cat and look for alternatives such as cat grass. So, while not considered toxic to cats, the spider plant should still be hung or placed high. While considered non toxic, these compounds can still result in an upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea. However, in case you are a cat owner, you may wonder if spider plants are poisonous to your beloved cats or not. Is spider plant safe for cats? Bernard’s lily, hen and chickens, spider ivy toxicity: Once any part of a lily plant is ingested by cats in good health, the outlook isn’t good and that’s the same for dogs with existing. If you’re a cat They are poisonous to cats with their tubers being the most toxic parts of the plants. It doesn’t give off any particular fragrance, so cats wouldn’t be drawn to this plant because of the odor. A spider plant comes with its own dangers. Chlorophytum comosum, airplane plants, or snake plantsare safe for cats and other pets, i.e., they are not toxic or poisonous to not just your cats but also dogs and horses. Be careful if your pot is sitting on a saucer or something similar that retains water as the plant likes to keep its feet dry to avoid root rot. As mentioned above, even though spider plants are safe for cats, spider in 2020 Toxic plants, Is Spider Plant Poisonous To Cats? Thanks to their growing popularity, they are becoming more readily available. Buy a high plant stand that would be hard for your cat to climb and keep the spider plant on the top. Spider plant, airplane plant, ribbon plant, st. Spider plants contain chemical compounds that are said to be related to opium. However, within a few minutes,  I noticed my curious feline, Libby, wandering around my plants. The plant is so named due to the fact that cats are particularly attracted to it. So, spider plants aren’t toxic per se, but they can lead to these unpleasant effects later. We all know that cats are obligate carnivores. Learn how your comment data is processed. However, since cats often munch on spider plants to settle their stomachs, you may still find vomit now and again. Catnip isn’t really poisonous to pet cats, although the spider plant could be a different story. Ultimately, the spider plant is great for your cat Any kind of actual hallucinogenic effect is safe, as well as according to the ASPCA (the American Culture for the Avoidance of Ruthlessness To Pets), the crawler plant is not hazardous to either felines or any other pets around your residence. Thankfully, the spider plant is not poisonous to cats;  however, that doesn’t mean to let your cat free reign over your spider plant, as it can cause some digestive issues for your cat if she won’t leave it alone. Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) This fringy-fingered plant is often a cat favorite as those dangly babies invite a mischievous cat or kitten to play. This compilation of the Toxicity of Common Houseplants , which in many cases gives the identity of the actual toxic agent, also lists the spider plant as being non-toxic. Your email address will not be published. Place plants in bright, indirect light. Put the plant outside on your porch or patio. But beyond the allure of snagging the spiderettes, spider plants are hallucinogenic to cats. Bright indirect light and sporadic watering are all it takes for even the most useless gardener to keep this hardy plant … Its grassy leaves are fun to look at (and hide in if you’re a cat) and may be a reason why cats love this plant. The goldfish plant, spider plant, all peperomias and most of the small palms are easy to grow and are non-toxic to cats. This is not a toxic reaction. If this question arises in your mind, are spider plants toxic to cats, read this article properly to know the answer to this question. Azaleas and Rhododendron: Azalea and Rhododendron leaves can cause oral irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, drop in blood pressure, coma, and even death. One of my cats doesn’t react to catnip but does show interest in valerian. It’s interesting to watch cats around plants. The spider plant is a common houseplant. They are drawn to them for various reasons. | Houseplant Central Hang your plant in a hanging basket on a pillar if you have one in your home The higher, the better, obviously. Crawler Plants And Cats: Why Are Cats Eating Spider Plant Leaves And Can It Be Harmful? Spider plants are not that dangerous as you think they are. Sometimes cats enjoy the smell of a plant. Just the other day, we had a terrible thunderstorm out of the blue. While spider plants are technically “safe” for cats, excess consumption can cause digestion issues, which means you may need to move your spider plant out of your cat’s reach. Are spider plants safe for cats? They don’t do anything to humans, but the chemical released by a spider plant can trigger some nerves in the cats causing some kind of fascination. Spider plants are mildly hallucinogenic for cats. Like catnip, spider plants are safe for cats to consume but you shouldn’t let your cat eat it in large amounts, or don’t let the cat eat it at all. Intrigued, she began chewing on some of the leaves, and then the thought crossed my mind: Can she eat my plants? Nonetheless, it is still advised that cats eating spider plant leaves may pose a potential risk. But beyond the allure of snagging the spiderettes, spider plants are hallucinogenic to cats. While Spider Plants can be grown outside, they don’t need much sunlight, making them an indoor plant choice for many people. They seem to get into everything! Symptoms of potential plant toxicity to watch for in cats are drooling, difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, fast, slow or irregular heartbeat, and excessive drinking and urinating. Other names for the plant are spider flower, African cabbage, cat's whiskers and spider wisp. Oleanders: The Oleander has a toxin that causes gastrointestinal infections, abnormal heart functions, hypothermia, and even death. At the end of the day, there’s no cause for alarm if cats or dogs nibble on them. The ASPCA reports that spider plants (Chlorophytum Comosum) are non-toxic to both cats and dogs. My mama has an amount of pet cats, through this I suggest more than 10. Immediately, I thought about my poor potted flowering plants outside who would likely be destroyed. Spider Plant Chlorophytum comosum part shade to full. exhaustive list of toxic and non-toxic plants for cats. 6 Ways To Keep Your, 10 Non Toxic Houseplants That Won’t Kill Your Pretty Kitty, 15 Houseplants That Are Beautiful AND Safe For Cats And, Toxic Houseplants to Avoid if You Have Dogs or Cats Pets, 15 Indoor Plants That Are Safe For Cats And Dogs Plants, Spider Plants And Cats Why Are Cats Eating Spider Plant, NonToxic House Plants For Children, Cats, and Dogs Cats, If Are Spider Plants Poisonous to Cats Boston Fern, Spider Plant Plants, Spider plants, Toxic plants for cats, 10 Best NonToxic Houseplants That are Safe For Children. Learn how to care for spider plants and more in the articles that follow. Though they have no signs of toxicity or poisoning, their hallucinogenic properties make the cats obsess and fascinate. Are they safe or poisonous? Despite the fact that it is not poisonous, the aspca warns that eating plant matter can still be potentially harmful to animals. If you suspect your cat has gotten into a toxic plant, take him to the vet right away. However, the REAL reason why cats love this plant is it contains compounds related to opium, giving them a mild hallucinogenic effect. (non, 15 Indoor Plants That Are Safe For Cats And Dogs Cat, Are Spider Plants toxic to cats? That brings me to the spider plant (Chlorophytum Comosum), a common houseplant with long, thin, arched foliage that is often streaked with white. Some cats who have an upset stomach will chew on foliage to help relieve discomfort. But, they like spider plants because of its mild hallucinogenic properties that are harmless to cats. Similar to catnip, the spider plant produces chemicals to … Spider plants are vibrant green house plants that have long, thin foliage that grows from the center of the plant and falls outward in arches to form a gorgeous, symmetrical display. This is not a toxic reaction. This article will enrich your knowledge of some different essential things too. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum) Spider plants have to be one of the most common, low maintenance and adaptable houseplants you can choose. The spider plant, also known as spider ivy, ribbon plant, airplane plant, St. Bernard’s lily, and interestingly enough, cat’s whiskers, is a common houseplant choice because it is easy to raise. According to the aspca, the spider plant is not toxic to felines or other pets. Is spider plant toxic to cats? Are spider plants poisonous for cats and dogs? However, the REAL reason why cats love this plant is it contains compounds related to opium, giving them a mild hallucinogenic effect. Some plants give cats a sense of euphoria like catnip (Nepeta Cataria) and the spider plant. The most it will do is make your cat wild and energetic (my Libby is naturally wild and energetic, especially at night, so she doesn’t need a spider plant.). Lilies: A wide variety of Lily plants such as Asian, Japanese Show, Casa Blanca, Tiger, and Stargazer have been shown to cause kidney failure in cats. Chlorophytum Comosum, airplane plants, or spider plants are safe for cats and other pets, i.e., they are not toxic or poisonous to not just your cats but also dogs and horses. As mentioned above, even though spider plants are safe for cats, spider plants may make your kitty trip a bit as well. Arrow-head Vine, the other name of Nephthytis, is a poisonous plant to both cats and dogs. Spider plants aren't just easy to grow – they're also easy to share! HGTV published this article about seven plants to grow for cats. When you own both the spider plant and cat, then you must be aware of the fact that how much your feline loves to encounter it. The reason is that the spider plant contains chemicals that are mildly hallucinogenic to cats. Thank you, spider plant (Chlorophytum), for looking just as cool today as you did in grandma's kitchen in 1978. 5 Poisonous Plants to Pets Sago Palm Plants, Poisonous, Spider Plants are easy to grow AND petfriendly! You will need to be creative when figuring out how to keep your spider plant away from your cat. Cats are called “curious” for a reason. In other words – spider plants, cats, and a lot of laughter. Siri then assured me that the plants I had brought inside were NOT toxic to Libby. However, cats and dogs do love the taste of the spider plant, and sometimes they will eat enough to make them sick. The spider plant is on the ASPCA’s list of non-toxic plants No discredit to doctor Sue (daffyduck’s link), but the internet is infested with anecdotally derived “poison plant” lists. It's just a little upset tummy from over-indulging. However, because cats are drawn to spider plants for the chemical compounds, they may get an upset stomach if they eat the leaves. Home » Cats » Health » Are Spider Plants Toxic to Cats? The herb plant is native to tropical regions of Asia as well as Africa, but it presently appears all over the planet. Spider plant for cats | Why do they like it? 9. The fleshy, white roots hate to sit in stagnant water, so free drainage is a must. Similar to catnip, the spider plant produces chemicals to induce your cat’s intrigue and obsessive behavior. Though the spider plant is not known to be toxic to cats, many other plants are. Ultimately, the spider plant is great for your cat any kind of actual hallucinogenic effect is safe, as well as according to the aspca (the american culture for the avoidance of ruthlessness to pets), the crawler plant is not hazardous to either felines or any other pets around your residence. When cats chew the plants’ foliage too much, they can get such bad effects as vomiting, diarrhea, or upset stomach. It is like catnip that does the same thing, but the only difference is that catnip is not harmful to cats. The mint plant is on their list, and that was one of my plants that I brought in from the torrential downpour the other day that my cat was crazy over! Copyright © 2020 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes. Secondly, give your cats something else to play with. When ingested, the spider plant has a hallucinogenic effect on cats, similar to catnip. Spider plants can change the cat’s behavior and fascination by making the feline more obsessive. The hallucinogenic effect of the spider plant or any other actual effect from any other thing can’t be considered harmful which is what aspca says. Cats may see the spider plant as a source of entertainment. We all know that cats are obligate carnivores. As we know, cats are notorious climbers; they love to climb on windowsills, tables, bookshelves, furniture, or anything climbable! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Are any of them toxic to her? Yes, they get kitties high and too much can be bad for their tummies, causing vomiting and diarrhea. We might never think about plants like the spider plant being toxic to us. Spider plants are not toxic to dogs, but can make them sick if eaten frequently. But bear in mind that the ASPCA does advise caution when it comes to these plants still. In the past, these plants were hard to find outside of Scandinavia. Still, others see houseplants as entertainment and amusement and like playing in them. Spider plants are not actually toxic to cats but can be a cause of concern for many owners. Are spider plants toxic to cats. Make sure you have cat friendly toys and regular play sessions to keep them entertained. It grows from 2 to 2 1/2 feet wide and from 2 to 3 feet long, especially if you place it in a hanging basket. Thank you, spider plant (chlorophytum), for looking just as cool today as you did in grandma's kitchen in 1978. They are actually all of effectively took care of, as well as even spoiled, with a lot of space to stray about inside your home and out (they have actually an enclosed ‘feline royal residence’). Quick, Siri, help me! © 2020 iPetCompanion.com. When she is not driving her teenage son to wrestling practice or learning the ins and outs of Fortnite from her younger son, she is working on her first book to be published soon. Two-thirds of cats are drawn to catnip with the appeal being hereditary. The hallucinogenic effect is not that harmful to cats. The ASPCA features an exhaustive list of toxic and non-toxic plants for cats. Cats have a natural attraction on dangles. According to the aspca, spider plants are not poisonous to cats. Your cat may feel oral irritation, severe burning sensation, vomiting and difficult to swallow. They like to explore and look around, and seem especially interested in plants around the house. But keep an eye, because exessive eating may cause stomach upset, diarrhea, and vomiting in some cats. Related: Plants non-toxic to cats Ingestion causes irritation of the mouth and lips, and hypersalivation. Keep the dangling leaves of the spider plant pruned so they won’t attract your cat as much. For some, spider plants may be harmless; for others, it may result in vomiting and an upset stomach. It’s important to know which ones to stay away from. The spider plant is a common ornamental houseplant which is popular for its ease of care. Not as showy or as obviously beautiful as some of the other options on this. Are watermelons safe for cats? I placed them in the living room, on the floor under a towel, and breathed a sigh of relief. Cats are weirdly drawn to spider plants; seriously, they go crazy over the grassy-like leaves. The only thing to watch out for is if the roots get too long, they can get tangled with the roots of the other babies. Spider plant sturdy, safe and stylish, spider plants are aptly named for their eight legged look, and are sure to add a decorative flair to any room. Spider plants can change the cat’s behavior and fascination by making the feline more obsessive. Begonias are grown as indoor ornamental plants. Despite the fact that it is not poisonous, the aspca warns that eating plant … To care for your Pilea use sandy, well-draining soil. “If I eat this, I am going to get spacy, and I like that feeling… some cats also like spider plants, which contain compounds related to opium.” The National Capital Poison Center also states that spider plants are non-poisonous, along with other common houseplants such as African violets, jade plants and dracaena. The toxic chemical of the lily plant is unknown but it does contain something that causes kidney failure in cats.for dogs with an existing kidney or liver disease, the same can happen.all your vet can do is offer support because the prognosis is poor at best. Owner, you may still find vomit now and again you’re a spider. Hung or placed high as obviously beautiful as some of the compounds are to! Make spider plants poisonous to your beloved cats or not trace that people believe attracts to. Gastrointestinal issues and intense vomiting from the spider plant too hang your plant in hanging! Leaves which are easy to grow and petfriendly do they like to explore pretty much anything, sometimes..., spider plants toxic to dogs, but the only difference is that the plants tubers. And it’s this opium trace that people believe attracts cats to spider plants ( Chlorophytum,! Tulips: tulips contain toxins that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach! 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