You can define a subclass of an enumeration class that extends it with additional enumeration values. Create a new graph (give it a name, and define the x-axis and data series). We may define the term potential difference otherwise by saying that it is the work done in carrying a small conductor charged with one unit of electricity from one point to the other in a direction opposite to that in which it would move under the electric forces if left to itself. The InChI does not define the stereochemistry of the molecule. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. 29. At last we can closely define the site of the entrance causeway across the ditch. The organization of a municipal system, which should regulate the governments of all these towns on a uniform basis, and define their relation to the Roman government, was probably the work of Sulla, who certainly gave great impetus to the foundation in the provinces of citizen colonies, which were the earliest municipia outside Italy, and enjoyed the same status as the Italian towns. Attempts have been made to define the reciprocal rights and duties of protecting and protected states. Although we cannot yet define the conditions under which exopterygotous wings are suppressed or unusually developed, yet we know that such fluctuations occur. Define sentence. A compound sentence contains two or more subjects and finite verbs , as in this verse : … Rouge was used liberally to define high cheekbones and lips were big, sensual and very deep red. Pairing a cloth shower curtain with luxury bath towels and gold or brass towel rings and towel bars helps define a more formal bathroom. Unfortunately, another way to define renewable energy source is by the complications these sources pose. These little self-adhesive strips help to define the area of the nail tip for an immaculate French manicure. Murray and Renard define globigerina ooze as containing at least 30% of calcium carbonate, in which the remains of pelagic (not benthonic) foraminifera predominate and in which remains of pelagic mollusca such as pteropods and heteropods, ostracodes and also coccoliths (minute calcareous algae) may also occur. While many performers and actors opt for permanent cosmetics, everyday modern men also use this form of cosmetic practice to help define attractive facial features. Its northern or land boundary is more difficult to define; most authorities, however, agree in taking it from El Arish on the Mediterranean, along the southern border of Palestine, between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Akaba, then bending northwards along the Syrian border nearly to Tadmur, thence eastwards to the edge of the Euphrates valley near Anah, and thence south-east to the mouth of the Shat el Arab at the head of the Persian Gulf, - the boundary so defined includes the northern desert, which belongs geographically to Arabia rather than to Syria; while on the same grounds lower Mesopotamia and Irak, although occupied by an Arab population, are excluded. Eastings and Northings - This searches the Image Library by spatial location, using eastings and Northings - This searches the Image Library by spatial location, using easting and northing co-ordinates to define an area for searching. The bags come in a variety of candy colors and proudly display various flirty phrases that will accentuate and define your inner coquette/diva/cheerleader. Comb wand: A comb wand features tiny teeth that separate and define lashes to give the illusion of length. The struggle against Gnosticism, which had been going on during the middle part of the century, had compelled the Church both to define her creed and to draw a sharper line of demarcation than heretofore between those writings whose authority she regarded as absolute and all others. 12. They're not much different than his names and titles, but they're more descriptive adjectives or nouns that define him to us. Believing,"he wrote," that (excepting the ardent monarchists) all our citizens agreed in ancient whig principles "- or, as he elsewhere expressed it, in" republican forms "-" I thought it advisable to define and declare them, and let them see the ground on which we can rally. We use it to define everything from nagging worries to major life changing events. So here they are then: the endorsements and bitch slaps that will define television for the coming months and beyond. I define wisdom as deriving a course of action from applying a value system to a situation. Accordingly, at first sight it seems reasonable to define geometry in some such way as "the science of dimensional quantity.". Can either use a large gradient or a critical value of PV to define the tropopause; it depends what you are looking at ! It was not possible to define a clear response curve of PD excretion to purine absorption from that data set. When the properties of the resultant substance are different from those of the components and it is not a chemical compound we define it as a solution. Sentence 2 is compound because "so" is considered a coordinating conjunction in English, and sentence 3 is complex. define the scope of work and fees for the artist. It is best to define the variables within the data division before writing the procedure division. A sparkling tiara can easily define a style by transforming even the simplest look into something much more extravagant. A wild cat uses vocalizations and behavior as ways to define its territory. If you ask me to define the amount more accurately, I say that it cannot be done. Sentence types. His character, like his namesake the decemvir's is not easy to define. For Sassoon the " brown rats, the nimble scavengers " are simply another dab of paint to define the scene. Without resorting to this exaggeration, Mommsen can speak with perfect truth of the " enormous space occupied by the burial vaults of Christian Rome, not surpassed even by the cloacae or sewers of Republican Rome," but the data are too vague to warrant any attempt to define their dimensions. To define renewable energy source you have to consider which sources of energy are sustainable and have limited to no environmental damage. Yourdictionary: dictionary definitions you can understand. What remains to be done is, not to explain how such a world manages to be what it is, nor how we came to form these notions, but merely this - to expel from the circle and totality of our conceptions those abstract notions which are inconsistent and jarring, or to remodel and define them so that they may constitute a consistent and harmonious view. If you've ever scoured the hair color aisle in any major supermarket or beauty supply store, you've most likely seen a swatch guide filled with confusing numbers and alluring names to define a color formula. It is exploring with its legal advisers possibilities that would avoid the need to define curtilage in law, which is the principal problem. They is a distinct gray area in such a definition - how do you define, precisely, non-voluntary euthanasia? We may define, then, the religious object as the sacred, and the corresponding religious attitude as consisting in such manifestation of feeling, thought and action in regard to the sacred as is held to conduce to the welfare of the community or to that of individuals considered as members of the community. We know what we mean by a psychic phenomenon, even if we can't define it. Having his family together in their modest home during the holiday season had come to define Christmas for him. The girls continue to get attention from the media as they strive to define their adult selves. Define omega matter and omega lambda, to be the density and lambda, divided by the critical value. A bit of concealer under the brows can help define them, if you choose not to add a lighter shade of shadow there. It is a comparatively simple thing to state the question to which we want an answer, but extremely difficult to define the exact nature of the evidence which will constitute a good answer; easy enough to say we must try hypothesis after hypothesis, and test each one by an appeal to the facts, but a man may easily spend his life in this sort of thing and still leave to his descendants nothing more than a legacy of rejected hypotheses. A sofa table can help define a conversation area and offer the design opportunity to light ambiance with a candlestick lamp, a plant and groups of candles. You can also choose a hunting coat that comes complete with a sash or drawstring tie around the middle, which can define your waist (even though it wasn't meant to do so). It is then possible to define by a parallel elaboration what is meant by classes of classes, classes of relations, relations between classes, and so on. Dietary guidelines define one serving of grain as one ounce or the equivalent of one ounce. The relationship of Munster and Leinster to the Tara dynasty is not so easy to define. define where and when particular clients should be referred. It is now possible to define the suborder Hyracoidea as including ungulates with a centrale in the carpus, plantigrade feet, in which the first and fifth toes are reduced in greater or less degree, and clavicles and a foramen in the lower end of the humerus are absent. For example, DPRO might define the effective dielectric constant in the center of a globular protein. She reveals how the clothes can define a character, giving the example of Algren's rise from drunken slob to hardened warrior. Pull the furniture in closer to the room and use an area rug to help define the space used for furniture placement. If this command is followed by one or more digits, optionally with a leading minus sign, those digits define the argument. Knowing how to define identity theft is only the first step. Dialog and debate between competing perspectives should be encouraged and attempts to define a disciplinary orthodoxy avoided. Define sentence examples define The child's eagerness and interest carry her over many obstacles that would be our undoing if we stopped to define and explain everything. In hydrostatics, for instance, we define a fluid by means of one of its known properties, and from this definition we make the system of deductions which constitutes the science of hydrostatics. localize the problem and define its reasons. Even so, shared interest didn't define their relationship. Translate credence into Spanish. One surprising word seems to define all of them: natural. Disease we may define, accordingly, as any departure from the normal standard of structure or function of a tissue or organ. Make sure you define an objective and give clear guidelines about what activities are necessary for a player to win the game. A simple subject is a single noun or pronoun connected to a verb. ", (2) In the matter of infallibility: "We decree that when the Roman Pontiff speaks ex cathedra, that is to say, when, in his capacity as Pastor and Doctor of all Christians he defines, in virtue of his supreme apostolic authority, a certain doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole Church, he enjoys, by the divine assistance promised to him in the Blessed Peter, that infallibility with which the divine Redeemer has thought good to endow His Church in order to define its doctrine in matters of faith and morals; consequently, these definitions of the Roman Pontiff are irreformable in themselves and not in consequence of the consent of the Church.". Before you begin a fundraising campaign, remember to clearly define the need. The captions and headings in this Agreement are inserted only as a matter of convenience, and in no way define, limit or in any other way described the scope of this Agreement or the intent of any provision hereof. She reveals how the clothes can define a character, giving the example of Algren 's rise from drunken slob to hardened warrior. These were drawn up in the language of the country, a Romance dialect (1288 being the date of the most ancient written code), and are remarkable for the manner in which they define the rights of the sovereign, determining the reciprocal obligations of the viscount and his subjects or vassals. The answers to those questions are what define the Internet. For example, a lender may set forth terms that define the condition the property must be kept in, leasing restrictions, and penalties for an early payoff of the principal balance. You can define the default mailbox using the Set Default button. At first glance, stress is a fantastic catchall phrase to help define all of the mental and emotional turmoil in our lives. The term 'mental Two elements define the position of the plane passing through the attracting centre in which the orbit lies. Ethnic gangs define themselves by their nationality or race. The patent conveyed fee simple title to the land, with several reservations. simple sentence - a sentence having no coordinate clauses or subordinate clauses. 2. Other notable dates in history are 1637 and 1647, when general synods of New England churches met at Cambridge to settle disputed doctrine and define orthodoxy; the departure for Connecticut of Thomas Hooker's congregation in 1636; the meeting of the convention that framed the present constitution of the commonwealth, 1779-1780; the separation of the Congregationalists and Unitarians of the first parish church, in 1829; and the grant of a city charter in 1846. Back up ^^ 2 We define real estate as property, including leasehold and freehold interest, and its improvements. Whatever the true origins, the term is meant to define the concept of renewable, sustainable and eco-friendly processes, products and energy. Once you land a job teaching digital photography, it's vital to define your curriculum. If anyone told me they could unequivocally define the exact point at which right and wrong diverge, I'd think they were either a liar or could walk on water. Like most terms applied to jazz music, hard bop does not define a precisely delineated genre. We may otherwise define it by saying that a line of electric force is a line so drawn in a field of electric force that its direction coincides at every point with the resultant electric force at that point. To help define your pout, a tattooed liner is yet another popular permanent cosmetic procedure. The term pure down can be deceiving since there isn't a national standard, and state regulations that define what is considered pure down can vary from one state to another. Type : verb ... en The writer of The Epistle of Polycarp refers to Tobit to give credence to the idea that the giving of alms has power to deliver the giver from death. Create a new graph (give it a name, and define the x-axis and data series ). This still helps to define and deepen your lashes, but it will barely look like you're wearing it. We may define these courses by the terms esoteric and exoteric - the former the philosophy of the school, cultivated principally at the universities, trying to systematize everything and reduce all our knowledge to an intelligible principle, losing in this attempt the deeper meaning of Leibnitz's philosophy; the latter the unsystematized philosophy of general culture which we find in the work of the great writers of the classical period, Lessing, Winkelmann, Goethe, Schiller and Herder, all of whom expressed in some degree their indebtedness to Leibnitz. Some websites like Pure Modesty have developed an entire page of guidelines to help define modesty in today's western culture. Funky hairstyles are a unique way to express your personality and define your fashion mantra. : a simple matter;simple tools. These toys almost define a generation of children. The sciences, for example, all seek to define their own species; dialectic, on the other hand, sets forth the conditions which all definitions must satisfy whatever their subject matter. As the extant sources do not define the term, and as they apply it to but five or six associations, the majority of which are little known, modern scholars are in doubt as to the essential character of the institution, and hesitate therefore to extend the name beyond this limited list. Stockdale sued the Commons' publisher, and was met by the plea of parliamentary privilege, to which, however, the judges did not give effect, on the ground that they were entitled to define the privileges of the Commons, and that publication of papers was not essential to the functions of parliament. The state will define how the appeal works, which usually needs to be done within a set amount of time. Although a simple sentence can be a single word, it can also be much longer. Our main task, then, is to define the nature, origin and date of the parent document, and if possible its own literary antecedents. marks an effort to define the line of the Church of England sharply against current Roman teaching. Also seek out ruched mid-sections that help define the waistline. 2. succession of Tertiary basalt lava flows that define successive, large-scale steps within the landscape. (Novelist Jean Giraudoux) If you're not sure of what this entails, this article should help to define and offer suggestions for this type of wedding ceremony. picket fencing for external use can be used to form garden areas or define a pathway. Examples of Longer Simple Sentences. The anniversary of his death has since been honoured in an unprecedented manner, the 19th of April being celebrated as "Primrose Day" - the primrose, for reasons impossible accurately to define, being popularly supposed to have been Disraeli's favourite flower. It may be advisable to define exactly what is meant by " hypertrophy," as the term is often used in a loose and insignificant sense. Area rugs placed under seating furniture in the living room help define a conversation area. In 1530 it became necessary to define his position against both Romanists and Zwinglians. A simple sentence is also referred to as a clausal sentence. Select a type of scatter plot required then click the Define button. argueScotland Davidson made the first of the public protests that were to define his life, arguing for Parliamentary reform. He found it necessary to think clearly and define sharply; but Athanasius found it necessary to believe in a divine redemption. Tilings How can we define a tiling of the plane? Opposition and criticism only served to define more precisely the adherents of the new doctrine. In addition to these three most usual points, we may, of course, take the centre of a planet or that of a star in order to define the position of bodies in their respective neighbourhoods. Simple sentences are called as it is because it can only consist of one subject and one verb or predicate. For a natural look: Define brown eyes with a complimentary red brown eye liner. They look forward to Santa's visit, but also the treats and togetherness that define the season. It promotes thrift in spending and order to ones life, helping on to define goals. Punk hair styles are hard to define - in fact, what is punk to one person may be mild to another, and ultimately, it is up to each individual to define what is punk to them. The Spanish and Portuguese crowns attempted to define the limits between their American colonies in 1750 and 1777, and the lines adopted still serve in great part to separate Brazil from its neighbours. His method is to distinctly define the opposing elements and then to seek their harmonious combination by the aid of a deeper conception. For the purposes of introduction, this page describes rather simple sentences. Although these wardrobe staples bring order to our closets, they hardly define a look. Finally, as you begin planning your honeymoon, be sure you define your budget. supreme apostolic authority, he lays down that a certain doctrine concerning faith or morals is binding, upon the universal Church, - possesses, by the Divine assistance which was promised to him in the person of the blessed Saint Peter, that same infallibility with which the Divine Redeemer thought fit to endow His Church, to define its doctrine with regard to faith and morals; and, consequently, that these definitions of the Roman Pontiff are irreformable in themselves, and not in consequence. It is well known that many attempts to define the process of inflammation have been made from time to time, all of them more or less unsatisfactory. Clearly the least committal, asymmetrical cuts can help define a punk style without sacrificing basic length, nor restricting versatility outside of the punk scene. His Regulations formally reserved the latter class of rights, but did not legally define them, or enable the husbandmen to enforce them in the courts. The Pipe browsing semantics is used to define a tool that can handle a hypermedia application by using Pipe structures. Instead of piping a border around the bottom or top of a cake with buttercream frosting, use cookie wedges, jelly beans, chocolate pieces, or other candies to form a pattern and define the shape of the cake. Though a simple sentence doesn't contain any subordinate clauses, it isn't always short. 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